
Monday, August 26, 2013

Tales from Overguilds, Part 4

Late Winter, 1052

A vulture has been harassing my fisher dwarves and stealing their catches! On closer inspection, I find that my haulers have been leaving barrels full of fish down by the brook...

Although, that does give me the idea of attempting to trap a vulture with fish as bait. I have ordered the carpenter to construct some animal traps.

I have also building a workshop and trade level on an upper level of my fortress. A network of mine carts will connect my finished goods stockpile to the trade depot in the near future and eventually to the entire fortress. 
And I was right, we do have thieves- and it's kobolds, Jugubusrursnin the kobold thief if anyone is wondering. I have ordered my military to kill Miss Jugubusrursnin... But she got away. Perhaps it's time to train some War animals an chain them up by the doors. All I've got other than livestock is a giant toad and a draltha, but you gotta start somewhere. 
Actually, after looking up draltha on the wiki, it looks like I won't be training war animals at all, but instead greatly expanding my pastures.


Sunday, August 18, 2013

Tales from Overguilds Part 3

It's autumn at Overguilds and the immigration wave swells my population to 17, and a I have a sudden food shortage- my brewer has turned brewed all my stocks, without my notice. Fortunately, with the immigrants came a ranger who is is also a fisherdwarf. I hope this will relieve any my food shortage before any fun ensues.

Speaking of food, I have designated space for a dining hall, near the site of what will be a meeting area and statue garden. Hopefully, this should keep the masses happy for some time to come.

The walls will be smoothed and tastelessly engraved, of course.

And by late autumn the outpost liason and caravan had arrived to my relief. I had begun to fear they would not arrive. Too bad that I don't have many useless crafts lying around yet, the only things I have to trade are some of my excess booze and a giant toad in a cage that I had been hoping to train. Luckily I am able to obtain some bronze for my weaponsmith to forge some axes, and I ask my outpost liason to bring more bronze and steel next year for good measure.

And here's what my population looks like at the start of winter 1052:

Looks like I need to get those idlers to work.

In addition, my food supplies have improved for now and I have enough fish and plum helmets on hand to avoid starvation in the near future. But next season I will need to spend time optimizing my food industry.

Also I've noticed random items have disappeared... a few crafts here, a stack of cave wheat there. I suspect I've been visited by thieves- the only question is are they kobolds or are they goblins?

Tales from Overguilds, part one.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter (2001)

This wholesome looking fellow is the narrator.
When vampire begin to walk in the sunlight and hunt the lesbian of Ottawa, the Catholic Church turns the only one they can: Jesus Christ himself (played by Phil Caracas, who also starred in Harry Knuckles and the Pearl Necklace).

After being recalled to duty by the church, Jesus updates his image with a shave and haircut, pierced ears and a new wardrobe. Then he battle mobs of atheists, lots of vampires, and the mad scientist Dr. Pretorius using his awesome Kung Fu and sidekicks Mary Magnum and El Santos.

El Santos & Jesus Christ 
Even though this movie's budget was probably too low for it to be even a B-movie, it's got everything a good B movies should have: a ridiculous premise, fun music numbers, and lots of action. Nevermind the poor film quality, this movie's brilliant.

 If you enjoy this you might check out the similar movie, Ultrachrist.


Saturday, August 10, 2013

Tales from Overguilds Part 2

New Immigrants hanging out in the meeting area.
In late summer I receive migrants including a very friendly 23 year old weaponsmith named Iton Athelmeng and her husband, the quick tempered 20 year old craftsdwarf Dastot Kinzas- remind be to put a nicely crafted door on his room. With this young married couple in my fortress will I soon have richly decorated battle axes in my stockrooms?

Well no. While Overguilds is built on a mountain of flux, there are no useful ores present. So any metal work will have to wait until I can obtain metal by other means. In the meantime I will order the carpenter to construct a set of training weapons and order a squad of dwarves to begin training with them.

I have struck amethyst.
The trade depot has been built, and just in time; soon it will be fall and the caravan from the mountainhomes will arrive. Hopefully they will bring some metal bars that can forged into suitable weapons.

And the new entrance has been dug. A ramp from the surface leads to a U shaped corridor. Along one side of this corridor will be placed a barracks for my axedwarves to train and defend the fortress. The opposite end of this corridor leads down to the trade depot. On this level will be warehouses for finished goods and workshops dedicated towards the manufacture and decoration of trade goods.
The new entry level and future barracks sight.
 The next major construction project will be to dig out permanent living space- in rock not dirt, and to wall off the old entrance and surface pastures.

Tales From Overguilds part 1

Sock Monkey Revisited

The cat didn't like this but she was too busy watching TV to move.

I enjoyed making the last sock monkey, so I decided to give it another try. This time I embroidered the eyes and mouth with black thread and I was happy with how that turned out.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Tales from Overguilds- A Dwarf Fortress

Dwarf Fortress, if you're not already familiar with it, is an amazing game where you take a band of  dwarves to some spot in the wilderness and direct their effort to build a dig a colony out of the rock. Your dwarves must grow all their own food, brew their own liquor (and dwarves begin to work slowly when they sober up), make their own furniture, clothes, and weapons. Eventually your dwarves all die horrible deaths due to your mismanagement or any of the other hazards in the game.

 I founded Overguilds in 1052 on a spot not far from an existing dwarven civilization. The spot is on an existing road, and I expect to get many immigrants. But more interestingly it also has the entrance to a cave on the side of the mountain. My plan is to capture the creatures in there and tame them. Also, to feed them the occasional goblin or kobold thief. 

For my expedition I have chosen: Ineth Olonmelbil- a miner and the expedition leader, Ral Mengmor- a woodworker, Shem Zikeludib- a mason, Kadol Kolotsus a stonecrafter, the planter Shem Unibasdug, and two unskilled pesants. 

By the beginning of summer, Ineth has dug out temporary living quarters that include a dormitory, a meeting area, space for farming, warehouse space, and basic warehouse space. The next project will be to build a trade depot as a more secure entrance. Also I will have Ral build some cages so I can place traps near the cave entrance. Hopefully I can catch a troglodyte to experiment on.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Exorcist Master (1993)

The vatican send Father Wu to the chinese town of Wine-Spring to reopen the Catholic church there. The church had been closed for years ever since it was taken over by an evil that impaled the previous priest with the church's own cross. Opposing the church's re-opening is taoist priest Master Chiou and his two students, Sun and Moon. Chiou strongly disapproves of the Catholic Church's presence in China and views the priest a a corrupting foreign influence (As an interesting side note, many of the rites at the church are in English, rather than Mandarin, like the rest of the movie's dialogue, or Latin.) Chiou, in return, does little to gratiate himself to Father Wu we attends mass in drag and causes a minor scene when discovered.

When the former priest rises from the grave as a vampire (For some reason, when he died, they left his body in a back room with the cross still in his back rather than, you know, burying him.), Master Chiou and Father Wu must overcome their differences to save Wine-Spring from the supernatural threat. Complicating matters is the town's corrupt mayor who, in Scooby Doo fashion, is using his own fake vampires as a cover for his drug smuggling. 

This movie movie offers a good mix of horror, action and comedy. If you liked Mr. Vampire of Tsu Hark's Vampire Hunters and didn't mind the production values and want to see more chinese vampire movies, you'll enjoy this movie.