That poor, poor brewer.... |
As I go to check on my miner's efforts at digging out a series of future bedrooms, I am interrupted with a message that my armorer has been interrupted by a giant olm! "What?" I ask myself, as I haven't breached the caverns yet. I zoom to the location and find that my dwarves have been playing in the cave (I had forgotten about the cave.)
I found my armorer facing down two troglodytes, one dead and in a pool of it's own blood, and the other very much alive. No bother, my militia can fix that. And judging by the giant cave spider web behind my armorer, it seems my cave is home to giant cave spiders. I wonder how I can trap one so I can begin farming giant cave spider silk.
The militia has been dispatched, but not soon enough to prevent my armorer from meeting a painful death at the hands of an irate sub-human. Soon after, I am alerted with the news that Ingzig Istanmudib the Cheesemaker has been missing for a week. And I have a bluepeacock missing. It's time I do something about that cave.
I also receive happier news, the births of two dwarf babies. Somebody get these two bottles full of dwarven rum before they're eaten by troglodytes.
Tales from Overguilds
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