
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Tales from Overguilds Part 2

New Immigrants hanging out in the meeting area.
In late summer I receive migrants including a very friendly 23 year old weaponsmith named Iton Athelmeng and her husband, the quick tempered 20 year old craftsdwarf Dastot Kinzas- remind be to put a nicely crafted door on his room. With this young married couple in my fortress will I soon have richly decorated battle axes in my stockrooms?

Well no. While Overguilds is built on a mountain of flux, there are no useful ores present. So any metal work will have to wait until I can obtain metal by other means. In the meantime I will order the carpenter to construct a set of training weapons and order a squad of dwarves to begin training with them.

I have struck amethyst.
The trade depot has been built, and just in time; soon it will be fall and the caravan from the mountainhomes will arrive. Hopefully they will bring some metal bars that can forged into suitable weapons.

And the new entrance has been dug. A ramp from the surface leads to a U shaped corridor. Along one side of this corridor will be placed a barracks for my axedwarves to train and defend the fortress. The opposite end of this corridor leads down to the trade depot. On this level will be warehouses for finished goods and workshops dedicated towards the manufacture and decoration of trade goods.
The new entry level and future barracks sight.
 The next major construction project will be to dig out permanent living space- in rock not dirt, and to wall off the old entrance and surface pastures.

Tales From Overguilds part 1

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